Where do you get rocks for painting?
So you're ready to get started painting rocks but first you need to know where to find rocks to paint!
There are a few places you can find rocks for free if you know where to go.
In a hurry? Just want to buy and go? I can tell you where to buy rocks to paint, too!
I paint so many rocks now that I think it's best for me to purchase them unless I happen upon a cool rock while walking.
Consider this your ultimate source for how to find rocks for rock painting.
Let's go!
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How to Find Rocks for Free: Go for a Walk
On a budget? Don't want 100 rocks? Just want a few?
Try going for a walk around your neighborhood or local park to look for loose rocks on the ground.
If you live near a river, lake or beach those are great places to look for rocks, too!
Be careful not to take intentionally placed landscaping rocks!
Also be careful about taking rocks from state parks. Depending on the area you find the rocks, removing them could cause instability or other problems. When in doubt, ask a ranger!
Please note: Taking rocks from national parks or national forests in the United States is not allowed. (hiding painted rocks in national parks isn't allowed either).
Truthfully, if you want a lot of rocks, I recommend just purchasing them to minimize disruption to their natural habitat. Read on for some of my favorite places to purchase rocks.
For your convenience, I have added referral links to places where you can buy rocks both online and in person. Any sales made after clicking these links may results in I Love Painted Rocks getting a small commission at no additional cost to you.
Buy Rocks for Painting Online from Amazon Prime
If it's hard to get out of the house to go rock hunting, Amazon has continued its tradition of carrying just about everything by also carrying rocks!
Buying rocks to paint from Amazon is super convenient because they will be shipped right to your door.
If you need large quantities of rocks, the truth is that this is not the best deal you can get BUT you really can't beat the convenience factor.
Where to buy it: Buy rocks to paint on Amazon.
Buy Rocks You Can Paint at Home Depot
Whether you want 20 pounds of rocks or 3,000 pounds of rocks, Home Depot has what you need. They carry dozens of varieties of landscaping rocks in various quantities to match what you are looking for.
My favorite types of rocks for painting that you can buy at Home Depot are the Mexican beach pebbles and the Caribbean beach pebbles.
Some people have reported that the white Caribbean beach pebbles available near them are not as smooth as they used to be.
Quality between bags seems to be hit or miss, so check them before leaving the store.
I've never personally been let down by the Mexican beach pebbles, though.
Where to buy it: Check out landscaping rocks at Home Depot.
For added convenience, you can order online and pick up in store. They will bring it right to the front and have it waiting for you! Convenient!
Buy Painting Rocks from a Local Landscape Company
Many local landscape businesses also sell rocks. While these companies often specialize in bulk rock orders, it's not uncommon for them to also sell rocks by the 5 gallon bucket full.
Most of these places advise you bring your own bucket. Look for landscaping companies near you and call ahead to see if they will sell rocks in small quantities to individuals.
Pro tip: If you go to pick through a rock pile, wear gardening gloves. This protects your nails from breaking and from getting your hands covered in dirt and dust. You'd be surprised how much dust is in that pile of rocks!
Where to buy it: Search for local landscaping companies near you
About the Author:
Carissa is a lifelong crafter and mom of two creative boys.
The owner and lead writer of both I Love Painted Rocks and Creative Green Living, she has won multiple awards for her craft writing including the Craftys Award for the "Best Craft Blogger" category in 2016 and the ShiftCon award for "Best DIY blogger" in 2018.
Her projects have been featured in magazines like Kids Crafts 1-2-3, Country Sampler Farmhouse Style and more.
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